What does the “Great Resignation” mean for Regional Communities

04 Feb 2022

Have you been thinking about a career change? 

You’re not alone.  

The world of work is changing and the career path for the next generation is looking more like tangled web than a single line of progression from point A to point B. CUC Balonne had Karen Browning, from USQ’s Making Career Choices Program, visited in 2021 to help demystify the path to the world of work. On this visit parents and the St George State High School’s Year 12 cohort got an opportunity to hear from Karen, what careers of the future are going to look like. 

Price Waterhouse Cooper’s research conducted in September and October 2021 indicates that 38% of people are planning on leaving their employer in the next 12 months. In the US this mass exodus has already begun and has been coined “The Great Resignation.”  

As many Australians have been in and out of lockdowns over the last 2 years and significant disruptions to business as commentators say there is a sense of restlessness in the workforce or suggest the pandemic has caused a period of introspection, leading to career changes (PWC, 2021). 

With all the changes and challenges of the Pandemic this new world of work, that Karen spoke of, may be upon us faster than we all anticipated.  

As employers find it more challenging to retain staff, the balance of power will shift to the employees, giving employees more choice, in turn further accelerating the changes (PWC, 2021). Employers will need to begin adapting to a shifting workforce and offer more opportunities to work remotely in positions that were traditionally reserved for those in the city.  

Local technology in the Balonne Shire is improving at a rapid pace with the Digital Connectivity project nearing completion. The Hub project is opening its doors and the Country Universities Centre Balonne has been established. The various digital technologies and resources alone that will be available in the St George library will open a world of opportunities.  

The Country Universities Centre Balonne will be nestled amongst the hive of new activity which will provide students in the region great opportunities to upskill or re-skill without having to travel away or relocate.  

We have local examples of change right now as many Country Universities Centre Balonne students are mature age and studying to change careers. Kellie Davis is the perfect example. “It is never too late to rediscover yourself”, Kellie says.

“What began as a change of direction of employment, became an opportunity to study my Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care and work within the Kindergarten context. I discovered that I really enjoyed working with children in this age group and after much deliberation decided to undertake a Bachelor in Early Education. I am motivated to continue with my degree as I find satisfaction in developing my knowledge and skills based on the most recent research to provide children with early education that supports their development holistically, which are the foundations for their success as lifelong learners”, Kellie says. 

Another great local example is CUC Balonne student Carter who said, “I have been working remotely for the last 5 years at Apple but I was just ready for a bit of a change. I am in the process of completing a software engineering immersive through General Assembly to upskill and pivot the direction of my career. The world of work is shifting and many of the jobs outcomes from this course offer flexibility. This means I will be able to live where I want while still working in the tech industry.”  

Australia has been off to a rocky start in 2022, but as the desire for change grows nationwide you know the Country Universities Centre Balonne is here for you to support any study for upskilling, reskilling or complete career change pathways.  

Talk to your Centre Manager, Alix today to how we can assist you achieving your goals for 2022!  


Articles referenced for this story: 

Pricewater House Cooper (PWC), 2021, Future of Work, What workers want: Winning the war for talent  




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